2007y mustang マスタングGTに
2010-04-13B-boy BOUNCE(バウンス)”スペシャルワークショップ” 4/18/2010 18:00-20:00
またスタジオ内にSUWWEARの物販ブースも併設致します。GOLD’S GYM × SUW wear Special Workshop
Infinity Lesson 4/18/2010 18:00-20:00
〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷1-23-16cocoti 9F
申し込み&お問合せ:ゴールドジム渋谷東京 03-5464-7373
Powered by BREAKIN Point & SUW & GOLD’S GYM
20系 プリウス☆
トヨタのハイブリット 20系プリウス 前期と後期のブラックが入荷しています!!2台とも走行少なく 32000Km と 7000Km^^
0766-29-0050 S&S
Worldwide Auto Shop Set off and
Street S & S
プリウス ハイブリット続々入荷しています。SURF CITY GARAGE JAPAN,サーフシティガレージジャパン News!!
2010-04-08Lightning Magazine – A Japanese compilation of the “Greatest American Garages” one may ever come across
2 months ago, a nice gentleman from Japan sent us an email asking if he could stop by our garage to take some photos of our collection. This is nothing out of the ordinary, so we said, “No problem, let’s just make an appointment and you can come on in!”
The gentleman came into our collection, snapped some photos and had excitement written across his face (like he had just found some buried treasure). He spoke very little English, and as you can imagine; the guys at Surf City haven’t exactly brushed up on their Japanese as of late. Needless to say, we did not communicate very well. After spending some time with him and giving him some background on all the cars, our visitor left the garage. Six weeks later, we get a high quality Japanese magazine with Surf City Garage’s collection on the cover! Our pal from Japan was a journalist for a Japanese magazine that featured American Garages. He called Surf City Garage “The American Dream Garage”. Below are some pictures from the magazine of the “American Dream”.
Click to Enlarge
We tried to interpret some of the text using Google translate, and here is the result:
“Speaking of the garage that housed Denaki American muscle cars and doing acupuncture. American eel prices are reviewed on a Yoshi Tadashi Shierubi mouth, and Mopar.ー dream vehicles, the cars here Zura. Morning sickness is the ultimate garage across the country.”
While we obviously need to work on our translating skills, we are glad to see our cars and products generate excitement in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and all over the world!
2010-04-07アメリカから直輸入で DICKIES カバーオール が入荷しました。
その他 ワークシャツ&メディカルウェアー パンツ等も在庫しております^^詳しくは ショッピングサイトをご覧ください。